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I’d died, long time ago.  Still remember how I took my own life  I looked at myself in the mirror I looked at my face  My eyes  My nose My lips  I looked at my hair  My neck  My cheeks    I looked at my bony shoulders  My breast  My skin   I took my life and offer it to others around me I gave them my light  My smile  My hopes  I gave  them all I had  So they would grow Now, I’m just soulless  I forgotten  how to breath  I forgotten who I was  And what were my dreams When I look at the mirror  I don’t  see the person I used to see  She’s looks much older  skinnier As fragile as can be 

Sticky Note

With a few simple sentences 

He took away 

A year of happiness

Twelve Months of friendship

365 days of love

 and loyalty

With a few simple sentences 

He removed 

Layers of my being

Pages of my memory

With a few simple sentences 

He wiped away 

My lipstick stain off his lips 

My silent tears off his shirt


My  Channel aroma of his bed sheets.

With a few simple sentences 

On a sticky note 

On a New Year’s Eve 

He left me 



  1. You will emerge from your hurt, pain, and grief. A wounded tender heart can heal tempering the pain with a scar and memories that do not leave. But somewhere somehow I wish for you to leave a tiny safe place in your heart for hope and belief in possibility


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